How to Learn Light Language?
In this article, you’ll find answers to:
- HOW to learn Light Language?
- WHAT do you learn in the Light Language courses?
- HOW to USE Light Language in your life?
- Light Language Activation
- The Light Language of Sounds in relation to the Light Language of the Curanderos
How to learn Light Language
Learning Light Language occurs through sacred initiation and energetic downloads facilitated by a certified teacher from the Curanderos lineage. The teacher doesn’t merely explain the geometric shapes and their properties, but transmit this knowledge directly to your consciousness. During this sacred initiation, participants receive a direct DOWNLOAD of codes into their field of consciousness. These energy downloads occur continuously throughout the Light Language course, every second and every minute.
The Light Language from the Curanderos lineage in Mexico is the language of the sacred geometric shapes. It is the language of the Source, of all that exist in the world, visible and invisible.
The Curanderos lineage has a special way of transmitting this knowledge and the codes into your field of consciousness. All teachers of Light Language in this lineage are certified, qualified and have the ability to teach this sacred knowledge through INITIATION.
This is why the Light Language Courses apply such powerful energy levels. They expand your capacity to contain and hold light frequencies. In these courses, learning occurs not solely on a mental level but across all aspects of your existence. You acquire the skills to utilize these geometric shapes through your thoughts, emotions, words, intentions, and intuition.
Learning Light Language is a profound experience granting you the ability to co-create with the universe. This learning journey stands as a crucial stage in your personal healing and transformation. Acquiring knowledge of these geometric shapes through your aura enhances your comprehension of their properties and energy.
What do you learn in the Light Language courses?
In these sacred courses you will learn two ways of using Light Language:
- Grids
- Projections / Emanations
You learn how to create grids with the geometric shapes and activate them in your field of consciousness. These grids work with you 24/7, day and night, to transform your vibration into what you have asked for.
There are 3 main levels in the Light Language courses where you learn how to create the grids. With each level, you will develop your ability to create different types of grids that serve different purposes.
Watch this video:
Level 1
At level 1, you learn to create a grid of 7 shapes and colors that correspond to your main 7 chakra system. This type of grid helps you change your vibration in each of your 7 main chakras, thereby solving issues that you are carrying within. The grid of 7 geometric shapes transforms your vibration at the fundamental level of your existence.
With the 7-shape grid, you activate new information using geometric symbols, translating it into a new vibration within your chakras. The grid matches a specific geometric shape to each one of your chakras, aligning with the energy needed. For instance, to address insecurity in the root chakra, you activate a shape that promotes a sense of security within you, removing blockages and limitations. Similarly, to enhance intimacy in connections, you activate a geometric shape that supports you to grow into profound closeness.
Level 2
At level 2, you learn to create a grid of 49 shapes and colors dedicated to a specific theme. You have the opportunity to transform any topic in your life and take it to the next level. For example: uniting with your soulmate, increasing your income, developing your spiritual abilities, etc. Any issue that requires improvement in your life can be supported by this grid of 49 shapes and colors.
Level 2 offers the advantage of activating multiple 49-shape grids simultaneously within your aura. It facilitate significant progress in various areas of life, for instance: relationships, finances, career, and self-confidence. These processes interconnect, fostering a comprehensive transformation of the Self. Level 2 represents a substantial leap forward in your journey.
Level 3
At level 3, you learn to create a grid of 144 shapes and colors that brings you to a level of expertise in the chosen topic. This grid works with you continuously until you have integrated the light frequencies and completed the transformation to the root. By learning to create a grid of 144 geometric shapes, your skills develop and you become more expert at co-creating realities. You also increase your power to manifesting goals and dreams.
The 144-shape grid operates intricately, illuminating the dark corners, polishing the rough edges within you, and guiding you toward profound clarity and mastery. Its continuous interaction with your energetic field ensures a comprehensive transformation, integrating new light frequencies. At this level, you refine your skills in energy shifting and amplify your ability to co-create realities.
Projections / Emanations
You also learn how to project the geometric codes through your consciousness field and change the vibration. These projections serve to change a vibration at a particular moment, to transform a situation in the short term. These emanations are very effective and provide a short, immediate and targeted response. They differ from grids, which provide a solution for a longer period of time and sustain a transformation at a deeper level.
Additional Light Language Courses
In addition to the three levels of Light Language, there are advanced courses that will deepen and broaden your creation skills. You can find out more information about each of these courses on their product page. Here are the names:
- The Eternal Mobius
- The 7 Rays
- The Catalan Solids
- The Advanced Torus
- The Advanced Prisms
- The Mobius-Puncture Healing
How to use Light Language in your life
Light Language is a powerful key to changing vibrations, co-creating with the universe and manifesting goals. Everything you learn in the Light Language courses will serve you for small and big issues in your life.
When a person wants to make a change in his life, the answer is to change the vibration. He needs to be in the same vibration as what he wants, or to get himself out of the vibration he no longer wants in his life.
Consider Light Language as a tuning fork, aiding you in aligning with your desired frequency. Activating geometric shapes in your energy field initiates a holistic alignment process. Following the principal of lower vibrations submitting to higher ones, blockages and limitations transform under the influence of elevated light frequencies. This serves as the most effective method to dissolve constraining thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. Activating sacred geometry grids within your aura is a wonderful means to transform your vibration to match your desired state.
For instance, a person experiencing conflict with money, unconsciously rejecting it while also desiring it greatly, creates a reality where money doesn’t flow easily. This stems from projecting limiting beliefs such as “I’m not talented enough to earn much” or “I cannot be a millionaire”, alongside statements like “I don’t need that much money” or “asking for money is greediness”, among other similar thoughts.
This results in a low vibrational frequency with money, effectively announcing that money isn’t meant for him. Consequently, the reality aligns, and money doesn’t come easily. Frustration ensues: “Why can’t I earn more? Why can’t I live a more comfortable life? All I need is a little more financial flow”. This frustration perpetuates the rejection of money from his energetic field.
Solving this issue can be approached in various ways, each with its own answer. However, Light Language offers a direct and clear solution by transforming your vibration within your energy field. Simply create and activate a grid, and it works continuously in your aura until you resonate with the vibration of your desired manifestation.
Keep in mind that Light Language operates on all three levels: consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness. Hence, it doesn’t overlook anything; these light frequencies reveal everything, leaving nothing hidden.
Light Language gives you the ability to change vibrations.
Here are some topics you can apply with Light Language
- Attracting a new soulmate for couple relationship
- Engaging in a relationship
- Ending a toxic relationship
- Healing a relationship
- Creating a family
- Expanding your circle of friends
- Increasing your social connections
- Creating opportunities for your work
- Finding a job that suits your potential
- Increasing your income and money flow
- Buying / selling a property
- Moving to a new place
- Improving your health
- Healing a disease
- Strengthening your self confidence
- Increasing self-love
- Reinforcing your communication with your spiritual guides
- Developing your third-eye abilities
- Aligning with your Soul & Heart
- Enhancing your spiritual gifts
- and much more…
Each topic in your life can be transformed with Light Language. Learn how to use the geometric shapes in grids and co-create with the universe the life of your dreams!
Light Language Activation
There is another method known as ‘Light Language,’ which involves sounds and tones channeled from a higher source. I aim to clarify the differences between these two methods and emphasize the essence of each. In the following text, I’ll introduce the principles of the Light Language used by the Curanderos and the Light Language Activation with sounds and tons.
The Light Language Activation with Sounds and Tones
The Light Language Activation through sounds and tons involves a freestyle channeling from a person’s higher self. The different sounds possess an energetic charge but are not consciously understood by the user or the receiver. The purpose of the channeling is determined by the person performing it, and it can serve various intentions, such as general healing or aligning with one’s soul path.
The Light Language Activation: Every person can channel these sounds and tons without any initiation or course. All you need is alignment with your higher self, maintaining a strong center and a clear mind. It’s necessary to be empty to allow these codes to come through you. In these types of Light Language activations, you must trust yourself and the process and surrender to whatever comes through. Your conscious mind may not logically comprehend these sounds and tons, but you can feel their energetic effects.
The Light Language from the Curanderos lineage
The Light Language from the Curanderos lineage is founded on grids and emanations of sacred geometric shapes. These shapes represent divine universal codes possessing specific properties and energy. They can be utilized for all purposes, like: the art of creation, healing, transformation, and manifestation. One learns these geometric codes through a special initiation, directly received into their aura from a certified teacher. There can be no doubt or confusion: all participants receive the same downloads and can communicate universally using these geometric symbols. This isn’t freestyle; there are guidelines for the correct usage for the highest good of all. Every participant in the Light Language courses undergoes a sacred initiation, leading to a shared understanding of these codes.
To learn how to create Light Language Grids and perform emanations/projections of geometric codes, one must undergo initiation from a certified teacher. The courses are structured in levels, and at each level, you learn to create a specific grid serving various purposes. For instance, in Light Language Level 1, you learn to create a grid of 7 shapes corresponding to your 7 principal chakras. Moving to Light Language Level 2, you learn to create a 49-shape grid dedicated to a specific topic. Light Language Level 3 elevates you to a higher stage of creation with a 144-shape grid, fostering expertise in a particular subject. Each level provides a guidebook summarizing the principles of your learning. Additionally, there are more advanced Light Language courses available, which can be reviewed on this page: Light Language Courses.
Activation of the Light Language Grids
When learning how to create grids using sacred geometry, you definitely have free inspiration to generate infinite possibilities of grids. This implies that no two grids are alike; each possesses its own unique energy based on its purpose. The activation of these grids occurs within the consciousness field of the individual for whom they were created. There are never two activations of the same grid since personal grids serve only one individual.
Conversely, community grids serve a larger group such as communities or vast populations. These grids are designed to benefit a community, a wider population sharing a common denominator. Activated through the collective consciousness by their creator, community grids serve everyone within that community.
Testimonials of Participants
Testimony of Uriel V.
“I had the privilege of benefiting from Light Language training provided by Naama Gabbay. There are no words to express the gift this represents. It is a true inner liberation and a new perspective on our daily lives. The strength of Light Language lies in connecting us with our personal experiences, offering a fresh interpretation of life events and how to align our vibrations with the Universe. It is a straightforward process. The student doesn’t need to master a technique but rather open their heart and sensitivity, using rationality to observe and meditate on colors, shapes, and their combinations. Group dialogue is fundamental. Each person’s sensations, brightened by Naama’s expertise, allow for a deeper understanding and alignment. I would particularly like to thank Naama for her generous transmission of knowledge…”
Testimony of Christine D.
“I’m immensely grateful to Naama, Starr Fuentes, and the Curanderos dynasty for the transformative Light Language training they provided, which revealed to me the magic and enchantment of life. This sacred training opens the field of possibilities in multiple ways. I have not yet explored the full extent of the possibilities of creation for myself, my surroundings, my work, the Earth itself, and its inhabitants. But I know that I hold a treasure in my hands, one that is already changing the course of my life with the creation of my first personal grid.”
Testimony of Roselyn Z.
“This Light Language Level 2 training is more energetically intense, significantly “shaking up” your energies and aligning all your energy planes. It offers you a 360° spiritual opening, transports you to cosmic energies, which act like a tsunami that sweep away all your conscious or unconscious obstacles, to bring you spiritual renewal. Everything that is buried deep in your subconscious comes out to the Light, without any effort, and permanently dissolves these “little pinheads” that were disturbing your spiritual journey. Listening to Naama, the true Love that she diffuses and her analyzes, lead you towards a total and definitive liberation from your fears, your doubts… You are “transported” to the deeper meaning of your experiences to better understand and accept them. In-depth work is taking place, to live intensely this plenitude filled with Light and Love.”
About Naama Gabbay
Naama Gabbay, a Light Language Teacher from the Curanderos lineage, guides and leads comprehensive training programs across various levels and courses.
The Light Language teachings with Naama Gabbay are conducted LIVE online, accessible to everyone. These trainings are also available at special events held at her center in France. Over the years, Naama has become an expert practitioner and teacher of Light Language, mastering the art of creation. She has been practicing Light Language since 2013, offering courses in Hebrew, English, and French, and creating various grids by request for healing and transformation. Through her courses, Naama provides all the necessary information and tools to easily and gracefully incorporate Light Language into your daily life.
Naama Gabbay is a Spiritual Teacher, Guiding Awakening Transformations, Empowerment Catalyst, Personal Growth Guide, Mindfulness Coach, Awakening Leader, Evolution Facilitator, and a gifted expert Shaman.
You are invited to discover the Light Language through the Curanderos lineage and delve into the richness of geometric symbols. Learn to generate grids for yourself and others, shifting energies and co-creating with the universe using these magical shapes. Understanding the power of these geometric shapes allows you to create anything in this world. Give yourself the key to unlock the art of creation.
Read more:
Light Language Courses
What is Light Language
Light Language, Grids and Divine Magic
Divine Intervention: How It Works?
What is A Light Language Grid?
Chakras Alignment with Light Language
How to use Light Language
Divine Intervention: My Personal Experience
Light Language Healing
Finding your Soulmate with Light Language
Healing Hearts: The Power of Light Language
Light Language impact on emotional intimacy
Divine Intervention: The path to Self Mastery
The power of Light Language symbols
Understanding Blueprint with Light Language
Divine Intervention Retreat
Light Language Art – Expressive Healing
Communication without words: Light Language
Light Language: revealing universal truths
Life after Divine Intervention
Soul Pulling