Light Language Courses

Light Language Courses online
Light Language Courses

The Light Language courses are conducted LIVE with Naama Gabbay. She provides the initiation directly.

Light Language Courses

For each course, you will receive a booklet, information pages, and exercise papers to facilitate your learning process.

Light Language Courses

Naama Gabbay is an expert teacher of Light Language. Her classes are unique, professional, and filled with wisdom. Her vast experience in healing and teaching makes her classes an astounding experience.

Light Language Courses

The Light Language courses with Naama Gabbay guide you through personal healing and transformation. You learn this precious tool for service, while greatly benefiting from personal growth.

Discover all levels of Light Language Courses with Naama Gabbay

You can also receive support through a personal Light Language Grid
Start with Light Language Level 1

The next Light Language courses online

Date & Hour
10 SEP 2024, 13:00-20:00 (CET)
Online Live
18-19 SEP 2024, 10:00-18:00 (CET)
Online Live
24-25 Sep 2024, 14:00-19:30 (CET)
Online Live
15 Oct 2024, 10:00-17:00 (CET)
Online Live
23 Oct 2024, 10:00-17:00 (CET)
Online Live
All Levels of Light Language Courses

What are Light Language benefits with Naama Gabbay?

Light Language (Sacred Geometry)

Our world is composed of Light Language, even if you don't see it. This means all levels of existence: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Naama Gabbay teaches you how to use Light Language to heal or change any situation.

Light Language Courses

Light Language is about tuning yourself or others to the right frequency. Naama Gabbay is an expert in teaching this, so you activate the Law of Attraction from within.

Light Language Courses

Light Language gives you the privilege to evolve on your path. In her classes, Naama Gabbay guides you through a significant process of self-growth and healing.

Light Language Courses

Light Language dissolves your subconscious limitations and blockages. Naama Gabbay shares her wisdom and knowledge on how to become successful and prosperous in your life.

teaching how to use Light Language shapes

The Light Language Courses

Learning Light Language with Naama Gabbay will advance you in your life and create magnificent manifestations on your path!

All courses of Light Language

The highlights of Light Language

Naama Gabbay is an expert teacher and master healer who has a deeper insight. In her courses, she has the capacity to provide each participant with a personal guidance and lead them to a breakthrough.

Light Language Courses

Achieving your goals and dreams easily with Light Language

Light Language Courses

Generating amazing possibilities and opportunities in your life path

Light Language Courses

Eliminating limiting beliefs and blockages

Light Language Courses

Healing diseases, illnesses, pain, wounds, traumas and any imbalance

Light Language Courses

Evolving spiritually, emotionally, materially by using Light Language

Light Language Courses

Aligning with your Soul path

Light Language Courses

Maximizing your abilities and talents through Light Language

Light Language Courses

Saying YES! to abundance, opening the channel of receiving

Light Language Courses

Bringing to Balance the feminine and masculine energy in your life

Light Language Courses

Harmonizing your connections and relationships

Light Language Courses

Welcoming new relationships with Soulmates

Light Language Courses

Empowering your DIVINE SELF with Light Language

Light Language Courses

Being in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time, magical synchronization!

Light Language Courses

Expanding your communication with different consciousness fields

Light Language Courses

And much more…

Learn Light Language

This Light Language course is YOUR BEST KEY to manifest your goals and dreams, in order to live the life that you wish since long time… The results are powerful and immediate, and the wonderful news: you can create infinite manifestations with the Light Language Grids, and be aligned with your soul path.

Learn Light Language to be on the precise vibration to attract what you want for your life. There is no other method that works as Light Language (Sacred Geometry). That’s why it’s easy and simple to apply, and so much fun to play!

Light Language level 1 is the most amazing opportunity to transform your life and receive what you are naturally entitled for: abundance, prosperity, love, joy, health, and much more… Making your dreams come true, making the best version of your reality and celebrating it everyday!

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Light Language level 2 takes you to a higher leap of creation and manifestation! At this Light Language course you learn to create a grid of 49 shapes and colors for a particular situation in your life. Meaning: you can transform any situation in your life to a better result, and attract what you do desire to manifest.

With Light Language level 2 you have the possibility to create unlimited number of grids for any subject. These grids supports you to heal, transform, develop, grow, thrive and evolve in every aspect of your life.

You can create Light Language grids for different topics. For example: relationships, coupling, intimacy, family and children. Also for your work, job, money, prosperity, and abundance. In additional: self-confidence, self-love, self-esteem, friends, colleagues, traveling, new possibilities, selling / buying property, and so on…

The options are diverse with Light Language level 2… you can change the vibration of a specific situation and attract the result you want, for the highest good of all.

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Light Language level 3 brings you to a level of expertise and high skills of creation.
At level 3, you are working with the vertical time (the eternal present), which is beyond the linear time and space. So, your manifestations are powerful and stable in the long-term.

At Light Language level 3, you learn to create & activate grids of 144 shapes and colors, which put at a mastery level of manifestation!

The 144-shapes grid is running the energy of 144 geometric shapes in your consciousness field. By that it is referring to all aspects of your chosen topic, until it arrives to a completion and manifests in your realty.

The 144-shape grid directs the light to the root of the matter and do not stop until the subject is healed and transformed. Level 3 of Light Language is growing your competence, expertise, skills and mastery in using sacred geometry to manifest your goals and dreams.

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The Eternal Mobius in Light Language is the most powerful multiplier grid for manifestations.

The Mobius is teaching you how to create a multi-dimensional expansion. Each Mobius grid is dedicated to a specific topic, that you wish to focus in your life, and is multiplying the energy constantly. This amplified energy is becoming rooted as your natural vibration, and for this reason, attracting boundless new possibilities at your door.

The Mobius is a sacred shape in Light Language, which gives you countless beneficial advantages:

  • The Mobius shifts from low vibration to high vibration
  • It supports you to discard blockages and limitations,
  • The Mobius inspires you with new ideas / new opportunities / new forces,
  • It continues to replicate the energy to next level, and then the next level, and so on… in consequence, it is never-ending expansion, growth, enlargement, development, improvement.

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The 7 Rays: Advanced principles & High Magic is an advanced course in Light Language. As such, it is rousing the energy of your 12 chakras to higher frequencies, through the divine 7 Rays of the Archangels and the Ascended Masters.

The initiation in Light Language consists of two parts:
1. In the first part you learn to create a personal grid of 12 geometric shapes. This grid is aligned with your 12-chakra system, and awakens the circulation in your higher energy centers, extending your connection and communication with higher realms and dimensions.
2. In the second part, you learn the sacred geometry of the Archangels, the Ascended Masters and the 7 Rays. You learn how to embed this sublime energy in your 49-shapes grids of Light Language, to all purposes.

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Learn the 13 Catalan Solids; the duals of the Archimedean Solids in Light Language. In this course of Catalan Solids, you learn the 12 inner laws that affect your ‘life story’. These Inner Laws defines your habits and defaults and oppose the Universal Laws.

This Light Language course, ‘The 13 Catalan solids’, assist you to clearly see the inner laws that dominate and control your life unconsciously. In the course you learn to transform them to positive codes, that support the universal laws to flourish within you.

This Light Language course aligns you with the UNIVERSAL TRUTH, and makes your life much smoother, easier and harmonies!

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Learn the 108 Advanced Torus; sacred powerful geometry shapes, multidimensional shapes and the master of transformation…

In this course of Light Language you learn how to use the 108 Advanced Torus to any imbalance situation in your life. For example: diseases, illnesses, crises, emotional imbalances, unclarity, stubborn situations. Also, you can use the 108 Advanced Torus to cleanse residues from the past, regulate your relationships, empower yourself and others, manifesting  ideas, and much more…

In the ‘108 Advanced Torus’ Course you learn in depth the five elements and the different fields of your body.

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At the Advanced prisms course, you learn to tune your spiritual and earthly prism together, and joining up your colored lights to one divine unity of white light. You are a Hue-man prism, focusing light inside and out, constantly perceiving internal and external information from many resources and according to that you make your decisions and actions.
The advanced prisms are tuning your light in the right balance between your inner world and the outer world. It is affecting your confused emotions that distort the light and cause a misalignment. So learning how to use the advanced prisms optimize and balance your aura colors. You’ll be able to better understand and express your feelings, thoughts and actions..

In the Advanced Prisms, you learn how to work with more than 50 types of prisms and their duals. furthermore, you learn the healing energy of the magical prisms in 20 main categories of life. The Advanced prisms tune-up your light, refine it, and re-center you in any situation in life. This is a fabulous course in Light Language, that gives you the key to be aligned again and again with your true colors, your heart, your soul, your path, the universe and the cosmos.


The Mobius Puncture Healing is a wonderful course for Healing and Empowerment! Learn to heal with the sacred Mobius of Light Language on principle Puncture points in the head. These are 13 secret points that have been transmitted through the Curanderos lineage and are revealed to the world, for the benefit of all.

A miraculous course in Light Language that gives you powerful tools to heal physical and emotional imbalances. You learn 13 key points that transform the imbalances to opportunities. This course is exceptionally magical, and the results are immediate…

No prior knowledge is required, you get a full initiation with all information you need for the healing. You can use these Mobius points to heal yourself and others.

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Light Language is the most successful key to create the life that you want, and to manifest it easily, gently and quickly.

The best part? It works instantly, and no matter what you choose to create in your Light Language grids, it is always beneficial, magical, and works for the highest good of all.

The courses of Light Language (Sacred Geometry) are conducted live online, or at this location: Sainte-Radegonde, Meilhards (19510) France.

Naama teaches the Light Language (Sacred Geometry) in three languages: English, French, Hebrew.

In additional, there is a possibility to invite NAAMA to a location when organizing a large group for the Light Language courses.

Learn Light Language

you will receive to your email all the necessary information, including the files you need for the Light Language course:

      1. After you made your booking to the Light Language course, we contact you to confirm your reservation, and if necessary, schedule the dates for the next Light Language course.
      2. The link to the Light Language videoconference online with Naama, will be send to you via email.
      3. You will receive via email all the necessary files for your successful learning of Light Language.

The Advantages of learning Light Language:

Light Language Courses

Light Language is the most efficient tool to manifest your goals and dreams and to rock you to stars!

Light Language Courses

Develop your Divine abilities and talents, you become a super powerful person!

Light Language Courses

Light Language is simple and easy to learn, accessible to everyone!

Light Language Courses

Develop your communications skills at all levels, with the universe and different consciousness, including your spiritual guides.

Light Language Courses

Grow your potential immensely with Light Language.

Light Language Courses

Participating in the Light Language (Sacred Geometry) courses is pure joy and fun!

Light Language Courses

Strengthen your intuition and your 'knowing'.

Light Language Courses

You shift your life from survival level (playing not to lose) into creation level (playing to win).
