2 principal options:

Embrace profound transformation with Shamanic Sessions guided by Naama Gabbay, a catalyst of changes and awakening transformations. Through the sessions (online or at her center), liberate yourself from blockages and stagnation within your consciousness, enabling profound change that results in unwavering fluidity, fulfillment, prosperity, and confidence. Embrace a reality of empowerment and boundless opportunities.

Book Your Session

Tailored Light Language Grids for your specific needs. Created with expertise by Naama Gabbay, these personalized grids initiate the necessary transformations in your reality, propelling you to new heights. Once activated within your aura, these grids operate continuously, working with you day and night until your purpose is fulfilled. The grids shift your vibration to the desired reality, enabling you to manifest and attract to your life what you have asked for.

Book Your Light Language Grid

Choose the depth of your Healing:

1 single healing session, 4 healing sessions, 7 healing sessions, 12 healing sessions.

One single session for a primary experience of shamanic healing, for discovering the benefits it gives you, for a quick first-aid, for Energetic Cleaning, for diagnosis. This single shamanic session can give you the boost of energy you need at this moment, encouragement to reconnect with your true needs, and a relaxing pause in the intensity of the third dimension.

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Book your ‘Diamond Series’

Price: 480 €
(120€ per session)

This Diamond series of 4 sessions is bringing healing to some of your parts that needs attention and care. This Diamond Series creates changes in your current situation and bring a transformation to your consciousness and reality. This Diamond Series of 4 sessions gives you the opportunity to release blockages and barriers and move into a prosper state of health in all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. This is a step forward in your life; new possibilities are opening in your path.

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Book your ‘Platinum Series’

Price: 770 €
(110€ per session)

This Platinum series of 7 sessions allows you to reach deeper into the roots of the matter. With the Platinum series you can bring-to-light more aspects of the subject in question, resolving it through multiple channels of light, and bringing a new ground to your feet. This Platinum Serie of 7-sessions is shifting many aspects in your life, convert difficulties to opportunities, and aligning you with your true Self. It opens a rainbow of choices with your 7 chakras and bring joy and bliss to your state of being!

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Book your ‘Gold Series’

Price: 1200 €
(100€ per session)

This Gold Series of 12-sessions is taking you on a journey of transformative healing on all levels of your being. This Gold Serie of 12-sessions is dedicated to healing the core of the issue through all your aspects of being; physical body, feelings & emotions, thoughts and beliefs, subtle bodies, soul & soul’s contract, life’s experiences (including past lives), memories, etc. Within 12 sessions of the Gold Serie you have the opportunity to step into a new phase in your life. The following changes are occurring: expanding your aura / energetic field, perceiving deeper insights, having lucidity, enhancing your light frequencies, fine-tuning your colors, balancing the material plan with the spiritual plan, deepening your divine senses that contributes enormously to your soul-path.

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Book your ‘Couple Therapy’

Price: 660 €
(per person)

This Couple Therapy is a series of sessions to clarify the chaos and reveal the barriers and obstacles in your couple relationship. During the process, you have the opportunity to overcome difficulties that derive from your automats, reactions and fears, and to create a vital flow of energy, renewed bonds, profound intimacy, and new foundations of your couple relationship. This Couple Therapy series includes 6 sessions given as follows: a first joint meeting with the couple, followed by a series of 4 personal treatments with each of the couple, and a joint session at the end of the process.

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The DNA session is working on the information & codes you hold within your DNA helix / strands. This special shamanic session gives the ability to access directly your “DNA library” and make some changes in the information kept in the codes. In this DNA session you are given the opportunity to change behaviors / beliefs / thought forms / patterns / addictions / habits / perceptions through DNA encoding. Information can be changed / replaced / adjusted / transformed in the codes of your DNA helix. It is possible to transform information about diseases, genetic diseases, patterns, family patterns, behaviors, habits and much more through DNA therapy.

The DNA Session is a single treatment, whose effects work in the long run. It can be received as a single treatment or as an addition to one of the series: Diamond, Platinum, Gold. In addition to a series, it serves as a huge support for change & transformation, accelerating results, faster manifestation, and long-term stabilizer (for a lifetime).

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For a personal healing with Light Language grid there are 6 types of grids; each one is supporting you in a different way.

The 7-shapes grid is aligned with your 7 main chakras, and raises the vibration of each Chakra to new heights. The geometrical shapes generate a new frequency in each of your chakras, and together they perform as a new ‘light outfit’ that pulls-in whatever is compatible with the new vibration, and cleans out everything that doesn’t work in coordination.

The 7-shapes grid increases the vortex of each of your Chakras, which strengthens your abilities and potential. It creates new awareness for reality. For example, with 7-shapes grid it is possible to increase the actions and activities, open up for new connections, generate new bondings, enhance your intuition, rebalance your heart energy, establish new communication, alter your inner vision, have a pure direct flow with creative ideas and abundance, etc. The 7-shapes grid is active in your energy field approximately 17 months. You can carry one 7-shapes grid at a time, and it is possible to change your 7-shapes grid before 17 months, once you have reached the intended level of awareness.

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The 12-shapes grid is aligned with your 12-chakra system. This grid is the advanced version to work with your elaborated-extended chakra system. The 12-shapes grid has all the benefits that were mentioned with the 7-shapes grid, plus additional advantages. This 12-grid is suitable for people that already making their steps in spiritual evolution and personal development.

The 12-shapes grid enhances your relations with your higher-self and soul, your consciousness, and other dimensions. It increases the flow of energy through the 12-chakras, and arouses your potential. The 12-shapes grid stimulates and opens new energetical centers, which serves the awakening of your consciousness to deeper understanding of your Self and higher realms. It is activated in your aura field approximately 17 months. You can carry one 12-shapes grid at a time, and it is possible to change your 12-shapes grid before 17 months, once you have reached the intended level of awareness.

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Book your 49-shape grid

Price: 111 €

Une grille de 49 formes de Langage de Lumière est une manifestation et une réalisation à court terme ! Tout sujet que vous souhaitez soigner / guérir / transformer / attirer dans votre vie peut être traité à travers la grille de 49 formes, et vous apporter un pas en avant!

Cette fabuleuse grille répond à vos besoins pendant une durée déterminée, en prenant soin des barrières et obstacles que vous avez en vous et qui vous empêchent d’avancer. La Grille des 49 Formes modifie les fausses croyances et formes-pensées, les barrières émotionnelles, et accorde votre conscience à la bonne fréquence afin de manifester votre prochaine étape. Demandez une grille de 49 formes pour tout sujet que vous souhaitez changer / guérir / grandir / évoluer dans votre vie, par exemple : attirer un partenaire dans votre vie, accroître votre prospérité, guérir une maladie, cicatrisation des blessures d’une relation, ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités au travail, apprendre de nouvelles compétences, etc. Chaque grille-49 est centrée sur un sujet, et c’est possible de porter plusieurs grilles 49 dans votre champ énergétique en même temps.

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The 144 shapes grid is a SUPER-MEGA grid! It is powerful, long-lasting, persistent, and active in your energy field until realization. With this 144-grid you are receiving the reality you asked to create, without compromise and no excuses. The 144-grid is tuning all the aspects of your being to bring you to the level of consciousness needed, in order to deliver the final desired result. The 144-grid is reaching the source of the matter and transform it in all levels. It is a ‘super-transformer’, that operates as long as needed in order to accomplish the beneficial outcome. With the 144-grid you achieve profound tremendous changes in your reality, perceptions, beliefs, thought-form, patterns, feelings and emotions. You can have a several 144-grids running in your energy field at the same time.

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Book your Mobius grid

Price: 188 €

The Mobius grid of infinity; this grid multiples, replicates, reproduces, sustains and eternalizes the desired outcome; The Mobius grid is strengthening-multiplying-increasing the potential of the subject and keeps it flowing continuously in your life, each time better, brighter and stronger vibration. Thanks to its infinite circulation, the Mobius grid brings the right elements that you need in order to transform your consciousness in the vibration of the result. Then it keeps going, maintaining the vibration stronger and anchored in you, so the desired result is eternally cultivated in your life. It is possible to carry several Mobius-grids running in your energetic field at the same time.

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The Royal Gems Pyramid grid carries the magic, the properties and the potency of the pyramid shape. The benefits of the pyramid are activated within your consciousness and integrate its sacred properties to support you in the evolution of a specific topic in your life. This is a powerful, one-of-a-kind grid that works with you for a lifetime. Each pyramid grid focuses on one theme and cultivates / enhances / nurtures / raises your vibrations in relations to that theme. The pyramid grid is embedded with Crystal frequencies from the fifth dimension, which called “The Royal Gems”. The pyramid grid sharpens your insights, raises your vibrations and shifts your consciousness to the next level. It creates a metamorphic change within you. A several Royal-Gems-Pyramid-Grids can run in your aura at the same time.

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After registration

An info-document ‘Guidelines to your Session / Grid’ will be send to your email.

For Shamanic Healing sessions:

  • After registration we contact you to schedule the dates for your private Sessions
  • You receive the links to your meetings on Zoom, via email and Google Calendar.

For a Light Language grid:

  • After booking your grid, we contact you to receive the necessary information in order to create your grid.
  • The creation of your grid can take up to 14 working days.
  • The grid is activated in your energetic field, and a visual version is sent to you via email. You can print it in color, and put in a visible place where you can see it.

What happens in the shamanic healing sessions?

Clearing away barriers

Removing blockages

Untangle the knots

Transforming weakness into strength

Breaking through your limitations

Dissolving the pain

Healing the disease/ illness

Allowing ancient knowledge to rise from your consciousness

Recalling your abilities and talents

Strengthening your intuition and inner wisdom

Bringing-in new light frequencies

Discovering new paths

Unveil divine opportunities

Feeling at ease with your SELF

Why receive Healing from Naama Gabbay?

Because Naama has the ability, skills and the talent to give you what you need in order to change your inner conditions.

Because Naama knows how to work with your special energetic signature.

Because the healing consists Naama’s vast experience, profound insights and sensitivity to every detail.

Because you deserve an excellent care of high-level expertise.

In what way Shamanic Healing is helping you?

Any issue you seek to heal and to transform in your reality, Shamanism is providing an answer for you.

It can be: a problem, a conflict, a disease / illness, a pain, a trauma, a suffering, a crisis, any imbalance, a blockage / barrier, a limitation, a difficult matter, unbearable situation, a secret that you carry, a confusion, feeling lost, not knowing your way or who you are… Any situation you experience now, can be solved in the Healing Sessions, and with the support of Light Language Grids, Naama is giving you the precise support you need to make changes, and bring you to a new state of consciousness.

The private sessions and the Light Language grids are treating variety of topics, for example:

Relationships, intimacy, communication, courage, commitment, openness, social connections, social interactions, career, money, abundance, prosperity, fertility, family, couple-relations, children, parent-child relations, self-confidence, self-love, trust, faith, purpose and meaning of life, phobias, stagnation, self-reduction, self-sabotage, shame, depression, separation, betrayal, fear of abandonment, loneliness, and more… (see more examples at the bottom of this page).

In the Shamanic Healing Sessions, and the Light Language Grids, Naama is working with all levels of your consciousness: physical body, feelings & emotions, thoughts and beliefs, subtle bodies, your soul & soul’s contract, all of your life’s experiences (including past lives), memories, abilities and talents, your knowledge, your DNA, and all your relations… As well as your fears, your barriers, blockages, weaknesses, limitations, objections, resistance, energy-leaking, etc.

Everything can be transformed and healed in those Shamanic Sessions, and with the Light Language Grids, Naama has the ability, skills and talent to change any state or condition, and lead you to a new direction.

More topics for Healing, Cleaning, Transformation, and Assimilation of new frequencies by Naama:

Clearing and Eliminating contracts / oaths / curses of Black Magic, removing any kind of Black Magic, Removal of curses and bans (boycotts), Cleansing negative implants / unhealthy implants / dark magic implants, clearing your genetic system and removing ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ curses, cleaning unhealthy crystallization (from diseases, memories from past life, etc.), clearing Negative Resonances, cleansing of side effects from the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) vaccine, Cleansing of adverse/negative effects from the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) vaccine, releasing and liberating traumas, clearing traumatic memories (also from past life), purification and cleansing of Patterns / Habits / Negative Thought Forms, Cutting Cords / Removing Cords (all kind of negative cords between people, places and objects), Liberating cigarettes addiction / Drug addiction / Toxins addiction / Drug abuse, opening the circulation of your chakras, analysis of your frequency and chakras, centering your Aura / Electro-Magnetic field (EM field), DNA Healing, Soul Pulling; Bringing back lost parts of your soul, Healing Broken Heart / sealed Heart / Trauma of the Heart.

Whatever is your current situation, there is a solution.You are not alone; you have the support you need.

Examples to imbalances and diseases that Shamanic Healing and Light Language Grids can resolve:

Depression, broken heart, problems in relationships, intimacy, couple-relations, fertility, removing limiting thought forms and beliefs, increasing self-confidence, increasing self-love, increasing resilience, cutting toxic cords from relationships, healing childhood traumas (even if memories are repressed), healing relationships with parents / family / spouses / children / or any significant other, cleansing low-energy entities and energy ‘vampires’, sealing energy leaks and holes in the aura, Detoxification, Soul Pulling, Communication with your soul, Self-leadership ability, Opening channels to fertility and abundance, having healthy attitude towards money, Renewing your energies, Increasing passion and joy in life, making a change in your career, expanding your potential, spiritual evolution… and also physical diseases, like: Headache, migraines, dizziness, stress, heart palpitations, heartache, thyroid problems, sore throat, asthma, high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, edema, stress, depression, anxiety, frustration, digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, ulcers, Crohn’s disease, infections, inflammation, kidney stones, gallbladder disease, autoimmune diseases, allergies, rashes, back pain, scoliosis, various spinal problems, inflammation and infections, arthritis, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, heel spurs, muscle spasms, limited movement, hormone imbalance, menstrual problems, menstrual cramps, infertility, myomas and fibroids, polyps, candida, insomnia, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, all types of cancers, Clearing Negative Resonances, Cleaning unhealthy crystallization (from diseases, memories from past life, etc.), Releasing and liberating traumas, Clearing traumatic memories (also from past life), Clearing and Eliminating contracts / oaths / curses of Black Magic, Removing any kind of Black Magic, Removal of curses and bans (boycotts), Cleansing negative implants / unhealthy implants / dark magic implants, Cleaning your genetic system and removal of ‘Ladder of Jacob’s’ curses, DNA Healing, Purification and cleansing of Patterns / Habits / Negative Thought Forms, Liberating cigarettes addiction / Drug addiction / Toxins addiction / Drug abuse, Cutting Cords / Removing Cords (all kind of negative cords between people, places and objects), Analysis of your frequency and chakras, Opening the circulation of your chakras, Centering your Aura / Electro-Magnetic field (EM field), Soul Pulling; Bringing back lost parts of your soul, Healing Broken Heart / Closed Heart / Trauma of the Heart, Cleansing of side effects from the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) vaccine, Cleansing of adverse/negative effects from the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) vaccine, and much more…
