

The Diamond series is an excellent choice to receive answers to your request and create transformation on your path. If you are not sure how many sessions you need, choose this series, which will always take you one step ahead on your journey.
Naama Gabbay is a master healer, an expert in transforming any negative, stagnant energy into fulfillment and success. You have a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with Naama Gabbay and receive exceptional care that will open up possibilities and success in your life.

Book your Diamond Series with Naama and step into new possibilities on your Soul Path !

In this Diamond series of 4 sessions, you will receive healing for certain parts of your Self that need attention and care. Naama Gabbay creates changes in your current situation and brings a beneficial transformation to your consciousness and reality. In this Diamond series, you have the opportunity to release blockages and limitations from your subconscious and move into a prosperous state of health on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is a step forward in your life; new possibilities are opening on your path.

It is possible to book this Diamond series for any subject that needs attention and transformation within you. Here are a few examples: physical pain, emotional pain, illnesses, negative patterns and habits, healing relationships, finding your purpose in life, cleansing past events and traumas, clearing negative energy from your life, healing issues with your family, finding a new job, increasing money flow, removing fear and anxiety, and more.

The benefits YOU RECEIVE from the Diamond Series :

  • Cleaning your energetic field
  • Gaining vitality, force and flow
  • Removing some barriers from your mind and subconsciousness
  • Mobilizing your energy toward productivity and prosperity
  • Shifting and healing the specific area of concern in your life
  • Taking a step forward on your path
  • Transforming your state of consciousness
  • Opening new possibilities in your life

Make a turning point in your life and book your Diamond Series !

Receiving the Diamond series with Naama Gabbay will align you with your abilities, talents, and divine power. It will open up the best choices for you on your soul path at this given moment. Whatever the subject you are asking to heal in your life, Naama will assist you in dissipating the negative energy and evolving into a better way of doing and being your Divine Self.

All sessions and Light Language grids that you receive from Naama Gabbay immediately connect you to your higher self, your divine power, and teach you how to choose and act from higher frequencies. This Diamond series is a true transformer for your current situation and will always move you one step (or more) ahead.

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