Feeling in peace and Being in alignment with your soul's path
Receiving inspiring and beneficial ideas for your path
New connections
Being part of a supportive community
Every holistic event is bountiful of content, information, light frequencies, healing and downloads. The events hold a sacred space, which accompanied by the pure divine light, the angelic realms, the supreme masters, Arch angels, and the Curanderos dynasty.
Each holistic event brings new learning, information, and insights, which involve the visible & invisible, the psychic, and advance you further along the way.
For these events, teaching is possible online or at location
The lost paradise: women and men in relationships
A healing journey for men, women and their relationships. This course leads each person on his personal journey to understand both attractive and opposing forces between men and women, two poles that at the end of a journey join together in harmonious unity. What is the feminine energy, what is the masculine energy, how do they work together in harmony and wholeness, how to improve relationships, what is the role of man, the role of woman in the cosmic system, how to summon your soulmate, how to return to the lost paradise within us… a mandatory course for every man and woman!
Revitalize your Subtle Bodies
Discovering about the subtle bodies that compose your Aura, and vitalizing each one of your bodies in a particular way, over a shamanic journey guided by Naama. A fabulous event that lifts up your energy, and revives your power, your being, your presence. Opening your awareness to all your subtle bodies, and by that, understanding better who you are, and how you function in this dimension.
Wisdom of Heart, Wisdom of Soul
A journey to brighten your heart for communicating with your soul. The Heart as a sacred portal to know your soul, and to hear her special melody… This event infuses new life through your heart into your whole being, and aligns you with the path of your soul. When having one unit, one vibration of heart & soul, you can evolve in your path, finding true happiness, and knowing your clear direction.
Soul & Breath; a sacred connection by the Hebrew letters
Discovering the deep connection between ‘soul’ and ‘breath’ through the letters of the most ancient and sacred language in the world; Hebrew. This is Naama’s mother tongue, she carries so much knowledge about the wisdom of the letters, and passes these special frequencies at this sacred event.
The Inner Child
Reaching out for your inner child to thrive your inner joy and to inspire your inner flame. This event is encouraging the connection with your inner child, and an understanding of his needs, so you can live a blissful life as an adult.
Head and Heart as a unit of Harmony
Learning to unite your two main centers together; Heart and Head, in order to make choices and decisions that are coherent with your soul path. Intellect and logic along with inner-feeling and intuition are a winning combination in making choices and decisions in life. Giving both centers their importance in life, can lead to brilliant choices.
Journey to the Pyramids
A magnificent astral journey to different pyramids in the world, while receiving sacred initiation in a specific pyramid. Additional to the elevating journey, you will learn to create your own special pyramid to support a particular theme in your life, and accord your pyramid with a leading frequency, which supports the manifestation.
The Merkaba
Discovering the power and magic of our light vehicle: the Merkaba. The first step of activating your Merkaba and making a journey to other dimensions, guided by Naama, through the enormous frequencies of Light Language. During the event, Naama transmits light coding to illuminate your Merkaba, and give you an extraordinary experience of its vibrations in your energetic field.
Gratitude: your magical stargate
Discovering ‘Gratitude’ in a new way; opening the channels of abundance in all aspects of life. ‘Gratitude’ is a key to understanding some powerful universal laws. In this event you will explore new ways of being in an abundant flow with the universe and all that exists. This event gives you important keys to access a prosper consciousness, with several practical tools.
The Forgiveness
Softening your heart to forgive yourself and others, breaking the walls that are closing your heart, liberating yourself from stagnation and toxins. Removing heavy burden of bitterness and anger, and walking your path with lightness, liberty and true freedom. This event assist to reconnect with your loved ones, and to be more tolerant and compassionate to others.
Perfect Inner Space
Initiation to a luminous sacred space within you, keeping your energy centered and clear. This ‘Perfect Inner Space’ puts you in a stable and firm state, with flexibility, clarity, confidence and security. It helps to maintain clear boundaries between ‘interior’ and ‘exterior’, and to avoid leaking and losing your energy. This shamanic initiation is important for every person, especially those who lose their energy and concentration quickly, feel tired or exhausted, and let other people manipulate them and pump out their energy. A luminous initiation that empowers you in daily life.
Releasing Vows
A shamanic journey-ceremony to liberate all sorts of restricting vows you took during this lifetime and past lives. It includes vows that you took consciously or unconsciously, vows that you took voluntarily, vows that you were forced or manipulated to take, vows that you considered to be in your favor, and vows that you wish to cancel and remove from your life. This event helps you to eliminate those barriers / blockages / stagnation in your life, and to open a new path of possibilities and opportunities, reviving a new flow of spirited dynamic energy within you.
For the following events, teaching is possible only at a location:
These shamanic events are powerful initiations for healing methods, from the Curanderos lineage and the immense knowledge and experience of Naama as a medicine woman. In these events each participant passes his own personal journey of healing, while learning how to use this sacred medicine in daily life. The participants receive the initiation from being present in the Aura field of Naama, and through her clear guidance and teaching.
*Some of the events demand massages tables or mattresses.
Soul Pulling
Bringing back lost parts of your Soul and recovering your consciousness and energetic field. In this event you are initiated to a powerful ancient method, for collecting back parts of your soul that were lost in traumatic events, in this life time and past lives. ‘Soul Pulling’ is strengthening your presence and abilities, and making you feel whole, brighter and lighter.
The 4 directions of the heart
Healing the Heart by 4 directions: the past, the present/future, left/right (masculine/feminine, Giving /Receiving). The Heart is carrying a charge which us influenced by relationships, events, patterns, beliefs, etc. Clearing the Heart and giving it new vitality and force, can brighten the love within us, and support our relations to all. This event is a pure medicine to all pain we carry in the Heart: physically and emotionally.
Giving & Receiving
Balancing the Giving and Receiving pathways in your life. Whether you give too much and receive too little, or vice versa, these lanes strive to flow equilibrated within you. Having the same potencies of ‘Giving’ and ‘Receiving’ is affecting healthy relations with feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang, active and passive, day and night, and much more… The ‘Giving & Receiving’ Healing is a powerful shamanic initiation to balance these two forces and unite them in harmony within you.
knowing of your true Self and Strengthening your sense of value. This Healing supports you in removing and eliminating beliefs and thought forms that are sabotaging your self-value, and lowering your self-esteem. This shamanic event is exposing your true diamond to the light.
Loving and accepting yourself as you are, being able to receive and give Love. This healing method is curing the Heart and increasing its capacity to Feel, to receive and to accept yourself, with compassion and tenderness. It removes blockages, barriers, judgement, shame, sadness, pain from the Heart, and opens a new flow of abundance. In this sacred journey you feel embraced by divine love.
The complete Self
Connecting and uniting all your parts together in one complete Self. This healing links channels that have been interrupted and cut within you and your life, and brings them back in a healthy flow and alignment as one complete unity. This healing is activated through your 12 energetic lines and DNA strands, and creating one complete Self.
Regain your natural authority and confidence to lead your life with courage, strength and potency. This method cultivates your natural sense of authority in order to be the leader of your life. Authority is knowing who I am, having clear boundaries, and being able to communicate it with the exterior surrounding. With self-authority I’m able to declare my needs and wishes clearly, without giving up my Self, and bend to manipulations and desires of others.
The Rainbow Heart
Healing, strengthening and stimulating your heart chakra with new energies, while opening streams of light with other chakras. This healing creates a magnificent rainbow flow that sparkles your Heart. It regenerates healthy connections and relations between the Heart chakra and other chakras.
The spine; a magical staff
Strengthening the flow of life force in the spine, and stimulating it through the chakras and organs. Establishing proper resourcing and connections between a person, the planet and divinity. A powerful healing that can cure any physical, emotional or mental imbalance. This healing is increasing your life force in all levels.
Breath of God
A Healing event. ‘Breath of God’ is an ancient shamanic healing, in which each participant receives a pure divine energy directly from the Source, through one of his seven central chakras. This pure energy brings you to make a huge leap in your path… it is a potential powerful vibration, which effects unfold on the spot and in the long run…
The event was immense. The encodings with the different pyramids were powerful. When you did the filling of the emotional body I felt provided. Thank you for your beautiful talents and for all these divine moments, they illuminate the path of my soul... I am really grateful to you because I see the work is done. All my gratitude. I have tears in my eyes... thank you for this heart of love that you are spreading.Yvonne T.
Thank you for this wonderful event. I experienced excellent moments, and since I didn't feel so well in the last days, this event freed me greatly and all at once I felt very energized. Thank you for this well-being.Evelyne L.
Thank you Naama for your loving support during the 'Opening of the Heart' seminar. Among other things, it allowed me to go in depth and release heavy emotions again and again (anger, sorrow, grief...). In the following days I continued to practice the 'Heart treatment' and I felt a real relief in the emotions. I had understandings integrated in me, allowing me to better accept my stories from the past. Thus, I feel more and more confident and let the Life circulate in me. Gratitude to you Naama.Aminata D.
Thank you Naama for yesterday's event, I felt a weight on the solar plexus at the beginning, then it faded away slowly and also felt a lot of releases in the abdomen. Then came beautiful sensations all over my body... A Big thank you.Corinne D.
Once again, and really from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your teaching… thanks to you, I will be able to take another big step forward in my life... I had appreciated and observed how much you had the right words, the relevance of your words… you have a very positive and loving attitude, judicious and appropriate solutions and a great connection with the Curanderos. Thank you for all this... Naama is a true ray of Light and Love. By her many qualities and faculties, she was able to bring us to where we arrived at the end of her teaching... Together we were able to open all these doors in our hearts, Hallelujah! Patrick D.T.
Thank you again for this great moment, I adore what you do more and more! I have the impression to evolve quickly, I feel myself stronger, "armed" and assertive... I am becoming more and more my true SELF. That's a big help...Sandrine C.
I wanted to say a Big Thank you from the bottom of my heart ... I am still very much moved... your teaching tonight was beyond my expectations!!! And is going to help me a lot on a daily basis! Stephanie D.
I really enjoyed the event: what a great journey it was, and very much needed! I felt much better right after, and I have noticed the change in the following days: much calmer and happier. Thank you again...Karine M.
Thank you again for this fabulous event! It's always a wonderful and powerful experience... a lot of sensations, vibrations, spiral movements... I feel lighter, more vibrant, more alive! the space in the heart is larger, more open... I find more softness and joy inside me... I had lost it a bit in the recent months... thank you.Nathalie M.
... During the training of "Soul Pulling" I had the physical sensation of recovering parts of myself. Since then, I have felt a lot of positive effects: inner joy of living, clarity of mind, increased concentration, desire to move forward, change my way of life (move to another region corresponding more to my wishes), feeling of being always centered, more complete and in harmony with myself, my environment and others. Understanding of the events that arise and more confidence in myself, Impression of finding feelings long extinct in me ... Martine P.