
The courses/initiations are offered live online with Naama Gabbay. Some courses are held at her center in Corrèze, France. You can also invite Naama to teach these courses at other locations.

Learning Light Language Level 3

Learning Light Language Level 3 with Naama Gabbay is a leap to the stars! This is a level of expertise and high-level creative skills. You move from creating within linear time to creating within vertical time—the eternal present! In Level 3, you learn to generate 144-shape grids that work with multidimensions, beyond linear time and space. This upgrades your grids to a level of mastery, transforming your manifestations into powerful, colorful, and vibrant creations in reality.

Step into your true power with Light Language Level 3 !

144 geometric shapes grid for Abundance

The 144-shape Grid

The 144-shape grid addresses a subject from all directions and aspects, reaching the root of the original cause(s) until it is fully resolved. All the steps are included in one powerful grid, which works with you until you achieve mastery of the result.

Level 3 introduces advanced shapes and colors from both the visible and invisible spectrum. This broadens your consciousness, opens new channels of information, and connects you with higher realms. You will learn to work with other dimensions, spiritual guides, and the forces of the planet and the universe. You will also develop your divine abilities, third-eye vision, deep intuition, and healing capacities. Level 3 offers a tremendous leap forward, made possible by the higher frequencies taught in this course.

As a master of Light Language, Naama Gabbay guides you through this journey, offering significant insights and opening doors within you to higher realms, connections, communication, and creation. Naama’s ability to see blockages, obstacles, and limitations, while simultaneously identifying the solution with Light Language, makes her teachings an extraordinary experience for students. If you want to learn how to untangle obstacles, difficulties, and limitations in your life, attend the Light Language Level 3 course with Naama Gabbay—you will receive the answers you need.

Activate your potential with the high frequencies of Light Language Level 3!

144 geometric shapes grid for JOY

What do you receive in Light Language Level 3 ?

    • Tools for high level manifestations, you become a master at creating realities!
    • Learn how to work with geometrical codes through your DNA.
    • Learn how to create Light Language grids of 144-shape, transforming your reality into a parade of wonderful opportunities!
    • Learn to work with over 80 sacred frequencies and geometric codes.
    • Learn to use 156 colors with different shapes, giving you endless possibilities in grid creation.
    • Gain the ability to create 144-shape grids for all purposes: for yourself, others, and the community.
    • Receive grid templates to heal over 120 types of cancer.
    • Learn the advanced sets and stages of the metaphysical plane, to be used in your 49-shape grids.
    • Cultivate your higher potential by accessing information from your DNA strands, Akashic records, and soul contracts.

144 Grid for Financial Prosperity

The advantages of learning Light Language level 3

    • All the benefits you received in Light Language Levels 1 & 2 are embedded with greater clarity in Level 3…
    • You learn to create a grid of 144 shapes and colors; this grid leads you to mastery over the subject you focused your intention on.
    • This advanced level is designed for expertise: you create a grid that takes you to the root of the matter and transforms your consciousness through the original cause.
    • At Light Language Level 3, your ability to expand grows: the grids can help you heal and transform any disease, imbalance, or barrier, and also facilitate expansion in the direction you desire.
    • This expansion can occur in any domain of your life, such as confidence, love, prosperity, connections, relationships, work, psychic vision, telepathy, spiritual guidance, physical health, flexibility, abilities, potential, creativity, etc.
    • With the 144-shape grid, you reach a higher level of creation, and your ability to manifest ideas into reality becomes smoother and easier.
    • At Light Language Level 3, you resonate more deeply with the nature of your true being, through your thoughts, ideas, desires, needs, goals, and visions.
    • With the 144-shape grid, your abilities to focus, transmit your intention, and manifest it into reality increase significantly, becoming super powerful.
    • At this level, the range of possibilities and opportunities grows to new heights!

Make magic happen with Light Language Level 3 !

144 geometric shapes grid for Self-Potential Fulfillment

Learning Light Language Level 3 with Naama Gabbay

Naama is a professional expert in Light Language and will provide you with high-quality guidance to become a skilled Light Language practitioner. With vast experience in creating grids for various people and situations, Naama’s grids are brilliant and impeccable, consistently producing remarkable results both within the individual and their reality. She can lead you to develop profound vision and discernment, enabling you to create highly targeted grids.

This is your opportunity to create a turning point in your life and open the door to a new level of practice. Upgrade your skills and fulfill your divine potential. With Naama’s teachings, you will easily align with the marvelous synchronicity of your soul’s path.

Light Language Level 3 offers the answers to any healing, transformation, or manifestation you wish to bring into your life. Under Naama Gabbay’s clear and insightful guidance, you can reach a superior level of creation and embed the law of Attraction from within.

Reveal your luminous path with Light Language Level 3 !

Light Language grid of 144 shapes for unity of love

Light Language level 3

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