
Join Light Language level 1 and align your 7 chakras with higher frequencies and expanded possibilities! 

*** When you make your booking, please indicate the date of the Light Language (Sacred Geometry) course you have chosen. Please check the next available dates on this page: Light Language

The courses/initiations are offered live online with Naama Gabbay. Some courses are held at her center in Corrèze, France. You can also invite Naama to teach these courses at other locations.


Red Sphere, geometric shape in Light LanguageYellow Pyramid, geometric shape in Light LanguageGreen Cylinder, geometric shape in Light LanguageGold cube, geometric shape in Light LanguageBlue Cone, geometric shape in Light Language

Learning Light Language Level 1

Learning Light Language with Naama Gabbay is an extraordinary adventure that greatly supports your self-growth and deepens your awareness of your divine power. In Level 1, you will go through deep healing for all your 7 principal chakras and learn how to activate the Light Language frequencies needed in each one of your chakras. This activation will create a profound shift in your consciousness and, accordingly, in your reality.

Light Language with Naama Gabbay

How does Light Language Level 1 help you transform?

In the Light Language Level 1 course, Naama Gabbay teaches you how to tune your 7 principal chakras using Light Language codes, presented in the form of a Grid. These light frequencies are embedded into your chakras, transforming their resonance. As your chakras begin to vibrate with the tones of the new codes, a new melody is created. This is your unique song, which emits a clear vibration, attracting new outcomes in your reality.

When activating a Light Language grid, the impact is immediate, with results that manifest in both the short term and long term. Each Grid of Light Language takes you to the next level on your path and elevates your frequency. With Light Language, you can never stay stuck in life; it always lifts you up to the next stage and opens new possibilities on your path.

You learn how to create these Grids for yourself, as well as for other people, animals, plants, objects, and places, allowing you to help transform their energy to a higher frequency. If you are a therapist, you can use Light Language as an additional powerful tool with your clients. Light Language doesn’t contradict any practice; on the contrary, it complements and empowers both the person and the healing process.

Book your place in Light Language level 1 and become a powerful magnet of Light!

Light Language geometric shapes grid

What do you learn in Light Language Level 1?

  1. You are initiated into 7 powerful frequencies and learn how to use them in grids. This provides a strong foundation for understanding healing and transformation.
  2. You are initiated into 9 colors, which give you a better understanding of the properties of your chakras and your fundamental needs.
  3. You learn how to create a grid of 7 frequencies and activate it within your energetic field. You also learn how to do this for others.
  4. You learn how to emanate the frequencies from your consciousness and use them on the spot for any situation and any place in the world.
  5. You learn to draw the symbols of the frequencies in a grid. It’s easy and accessible.
  6. You learn 68 frequencies for Healing and Transformation that you can use anytime for yourself and others.
  7. You learn how to cleanse your energetic field (aura) from negative energy, allowing you to work more effectively with higher frequencies.
  8. You create your first Light Language Grid of 7 frequencies, with the guidance of Naama Gabbay, and activate it within your energetic field.
  9. The initiation into Light Language Level 1 is a transformative healing journey that greatly supports your self-growth and self-awareness.
  10. Be prepared for a magical, unique journey that will open up wonderful possibilities on your path!

Learning Light Language

Why is it important to tune your 7 principal chakras with high frequencies?

There are several reasons to regularly tune your 7 chakras and keep yourself in good shape (with a double meaning):

  • To keep the energy flow to and from the chakras clean, smooth, and fluid.
  • To expand the capacity for light in each of your chakras.
  • To enhance your ability to create with higher frequencies from your chakras.
  • The chakras are vortexes that mediate between the physical body and the energetic bodies. To nurture physical, emotional, and mental health, it is essential to maintain a proper, high-quality flow of energy between all your systems.
  • In order to fulfill your life purposes, the chakras needs to be open, clear, and fluid. The Light Language Grid gives you the power to transform any blockages, limitations, or barriers in the chakras.
  • The chakra system is an important layer of your existence on Earth. Treating it correctly can heal and prevent imbalances and diseases.
  • The more open, bright, and fluid your chakras are, the more you grow your divine power and creative abilities.
  • Chakras play a crucial role in supporting your manifestations in life, so it is important to keep them attuned to high frequencies.
  • When you have a strong, powerful foundation in the 7 principal chakras, you can grow, develop, and activate more advanced chakras.
  • A good flow of energy in your 7 principal chakras will immediately contribute to your vitality and joie de vivre.

Learning Light Language

The Law of Attraction

Light Language embodies the Law of Attraction. It is the key to understanding how this universal law works and how to easily apply it in your life. In Level 1, you learn to work with the Law of Attraction through your 7 primary chakras. Using the 7-shape grid of Light Language, you become a magnet for Light, attracting the right frequencies to yourself. In other words, the grid acts like a light suit for your chakras. When you dress your chakras in the desired frequency, an immediate transformation begins; your chakras start to harmonize with the frequencies of the grid until they become one with it. As your chakras resonate with pure, high frequencies, they attract those same frequencies to you.

Light Language offers a blessed opportunity to transform your life and receive what you are naturally entitled to: abundance, prosperity, intimacy, love, happiness, joy, health, friends, wonderful relationships, forming new connections, deepening intimacy, discovering your life’s purpose, knowing yourself more deeply, developing your divine abilities, expanding to the next level on your path, and much more.

Level 1 is the first initiation in the series of Light Language courses from the Curanderos lineage in Mexico. It provides you with the opportunity to co-create with the universe through the Law of Attraction, helping you RESONATE with the VIBRATION of what you want to manifest.

geometric shapes in Light Language grid, level 1

Book your place in Light Language level and follow your life’s purpose !

red pyramid, geometric shape in Light Languageyellow cone, geometric shape in Light LanguageOrange pyramid, geometric shape in Light Languagegreen cone, geometric shape in Light Languageblue pyramid, geometric shape in Light Language

Examples for subjects to Heal and transform within the chakras through the Light Language grid: 

Healing: insecurity, doubts, traumas, physical and emotional pain, sense of separation, instability, sense of survival, worthlessness, difficulty to provide yourself, low body image, limited possibilities in material, resistance to matrix, doubting your intuition, blocking your heart to love, fear of expressing yourself, avoiding telling your truth, spiritual blockages, low capacity to connect with higher forces, etc.

Transforming to: confidence, security, self-value, sense of unity, stability, safe ground, feeling protected and loved, one flow with the universe, creating new possibilities for money flow, creating new opportunities for financial growth, harmonizing your inner space, improving your relations with your physical body, opening your heart to love, growing your ability for intimacy, speaking your truth, expressing your true colors, connecting with your spiritual guidance, expanding your connection with the Source, etc.

geometric shapes in Light Language

What do you receive in Light Language Level 1 ?

  • Light Language is Transforming your consciousness through each one of your 7 chakras.
  • With Light Language you learn HOW to change your vibration through the geometric shapes and BECOME what you wish to manifest.
  • You learn how to create easily your desired reality with Light Language.
  • With Light Language you use the geometric shapes to Balance and align your 7 chakras with your highest power of divine Self.
  • At Light Language you receive the secret knowledge for the sacred geometric shapes and  the colors.
  • You learn how to create & activate your personal Light Language grid of 7 high frequencies.
  • You can also create personal 7-shapes grids for other people and for your pets / domestic animals.
  • You can expand your manifestations by creating grids for objects, for example; your home, office, garden & plants, bank account, website, your business and more…
  • You receive the key for 68 dictionary grids of Light Language, as conveyed by the Mayan culture, and use this sacred geometry for bright manifestations.

red cone, geometric shape in Light Languagepearlescent sphere, geometric shape in Light Languagepurple cone megaphone, geometric shape in Light Language

Light Language Level 1

Why learn Light Language with Naama Gabbay?

In the Light Language courses with Naama, you receive high-quality teaching and personal attention, all within a pure and sacred space created through her extraordinary abilities. Naama knows how to align you with the frequencies of Light and guide you in the flow of your unique path, offering you the opportunity to create profound transformation in your life.

Learning Light Language with Naama Gabbay is an uplifting and life-changing adventure. In her classes, she demonstrates exceptional professional qualities that enhance your clarity and understanding. The learning process is deep, comprehensive, and provides everything you need for the effective use of Light Language. As an expert Teacher and Healer, Naama offers you far more than you expect, ensuring your experience is truly transformative.

Light Language, geometric shapes

Learning levels 1 and 2 

We recommend that you learn Light Language Levels 1 and 2 in order to have broader possibilities for dissolving limitations and creating new realities. While Level 1 focuses on transformation within your 7 primary chakras, Level 2 gives you the ability to address specific situations and states of mind, with infinite possibilities to change them. Levels 1 and 2 together will provide you with a significant range of tools for healing and transformation.

Watch this video:

Book your place in Light Language level 1 and empower manifestations through your chakras !

Turquoise pyramid, geometric shape in Light Language yellow sphere, geometric shape in Light Languagered cylinder, geometric shape in Light Languageblue focus cone, geometric shape in Light Languageorange cone, geometric shape in Light Language

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