Case studies


Presenting the first case study among three, highlighting the profound transformative benefits of shamanic healing. Each case study offers detailed information for your learning, maintaining strict confidentiality to respect the clients’ privacy.

Enjoy reading!

Information and details about the case study
  • A series of 12 shamanic sessions
  • A woman, age 34, single
  • Asked for shamanic sessions because she feels a great emptiness, lack of energy, sadness, exhaustion, and crying a lot.
Extended Info

She doesn’t feel happy and comfortable with her life, her relationship with her partner is complicated, she wants to change her job but does not know what new direction to take.

She met her partner a year ago, and they moved in together, marking a fresh start in her life where she hoped to find happiness. However, the relationship didn’t evolve as she anticipated, causing a loss of peace and balance. It appears they’re heading towards the end; her partner wants to part ways. Feeling lost and dependent on him, she navigates this difficult situation.

Their relationship fluctuated between overwhelming attraction and intense conflicts, marked by fights, arguments, and screaming. She perceives her partner as inflexible, strict, and often blames her during their disputes. Instead of the love, hugs, and tenderness she desires, he undermines her self-confidence. She yearns to feel beautiful and attractive without constant validation. At this stage, her self-esteem is so fragile that each hurtful word from him brings tears and a sense of worthlessness.

Physically, she experiences frequent nausea, a constant urge to vomit, discomfort within her body, fatigue, poor memory, and low concentration. Each question I asked brought tears to her eyes, reflecting her deeply depressed mood.

The Shamanic Healing Sessions
The 1st Shamanic Session

In the first shamanic session, she cried a lot during the healing, breathed rapidly due to pressure, and I sensed an inner fire she was holding, like a volcano’s lava seeking release. I began the process of freeing the accumulated internal lava and fire that had long needed release. The release was accompanied by an erupting burst of crying. After cleansing and releasing, she began to calm down, her breathing steadied, and we were able to move on to the next stage: clearing and balancing the heart chakra.

The 2nd Shamanic Session

I delved into the various layers of the heart chakra, addressing past events, previous relationships, and her relationships with her parents, and initiated the cleansing process. With each cleanse, I replenished the heart chakra with frequencies that promoted her well-being, vitality, and balance. Gradually, her body relaxed, her breathing grew deeper and more peaceful.

As she entered alpha waves and the emotional burdens lessened, we transitioned to the next stage of therapy: balancing her elements. I focused on elements requiring regulation and redirection, aiming to re-establish her connection with her body, inner feelings, and desires. By the end of the first session, she felt lighter and immensely relaxed, experiencing a profound fatigue that felt relieving. It was as though a heavy burden, pressing on her for a long time, had been lifted.

The 3rd Shamanic Session

At this stage of the process, an honest question flashed through her mind: ‘What am I doing in this world? What is my purpose?’ It marked an awakening during the first session, igniting a profound inner journey to uncover the divine truth within her.

Throughout subsequent sessions, we delved into her relationships with her father, mother, and past partners, uncovering recurring patterns in her choice of relationships. We identified underlying beliefs that made her feel inadequate, leading her to attract partners who induced feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and unworthiness.

She came to realize that in all her past relationships, she had developed emotional dependency, losing touch with her desires and sense of direction. She reached a point where she felt disconnected from her own aspirations, often conforming to her partner’s choices and decisions. Her emotional reliance on her partner obscured her own virtues, talents, and beauty.

The 4th Shamanic Session

In the 4th session, she underwent a challenging and painful separation from her partner, filled with anger. However, this process simultaneously aided her in releasing numerous inhibitions, barriers, and fears. Step by step, she discovered her true strengths.

Throughout the series of sessions, the focus was on fostering emotional and mental independence, alongside nurturing self-worth. We addressed the ‘inner child’, healed past wounds, and released the ingrained toxins of criticism and judgment. Also, we delved deeply into the main chakras, thoroughly treating them from various extensive angles and directions.

During the sessions, we illuminated the deepest fears, faced them head-on, realizing they were just intimidating shadows. We bolstered her confidence, intuition and emotions. She finally felt true peace and joy in her heart, discovering her true light and colors.

By the end of the shamanic sessions, she reached a state of independence, trusting her inner feelings and free from emotional manipulative influences. The tension, pressure, fatigue, and pallor that once reflected from her face and body dissipated and faded away. Her countenance now exuded calmness, playfulness, and relief. Before me stood a beautiful, delicate, sensitive, yet strong woman, who now trusts herself and is prepared to embark on a new path into the unknown.

Continue to the next case study…


Presenting the first case study among three, highlighting the profound transformative benefits of shamanic healing. Each case study offers detailed information for your learning, maintaining strict confidentiality to respect the clients’ privacy.

Enjoy reading!

Information and details about the case study
  • A series of 4 sessions
  • A man, married + children, in his 40s
  • Asked shamanic sessions because he feels lost, confused, has fears and wounds from childhood, feels he needs help…
Extended Info

He wants to move forward with confidence, in one direction with his family. He has a lot of fears, that must be dispelled…

It all began with a rough childhood due to a violent father, causing immense suffering. His father was harsh towards him, lowered him and always treated him with the strength of his arm. He did not receive any softness, tenderness, a loving hug from him…

In his adult years, he kept away from him, and only recently renewed the contact, but distance and difficulties still exist. He needs to take care of his inner child, to heal wounds and traumas from childhood, so that he can move on in his life and raise his children happily.

Suffering from dry, itchy, cracked skin on the palms of the hands and dry skin on the upper legs, the doctor diagnosed this as a form of skin disease. None of the treatments attempted so far have alleviated the skin problem. The issue began during his tenure as a lifeguard, constantly exposed to water, which triggered the skin irritation.

Additionally, he experiences persistent back pain in the spinal vertebrae T5 and T6. He has been dealing with sore spots in both feet for years, specifically between toes 3 and 4 under the balls of his feet. He remains in a constant state of alertness, as if anticipating an attack, with all his senses on high alert for potential danger.

The Shamanic Healing Sessions
The 1st Shamanic Session

During the first shamanic session, I initiated the cleansing of the chakras, particularly emphasizing the sacral chakra and the solar plexus. His immediate reaction was a burst of incessant laughter. I allowed him space to express his emotions, which continued until he gradually calmed down. Throughout, there was a blend of laughter and an underlying desire to cry, coupled with intense abdominal pain.

I continued the healing work on him, uncovering hidden places and relieving them of pain, instilling softness and compassion. My focus was on the abdomen and heart, introducing gentle frequencies of light and harmonizing the organs to align their vibrations through the nervous system.

He experienced the treatment in waves: cleaning up, then relaxation, followed by a recharge. This cycle repeated—waves of cleansing, relaxation, and recharge continued intermittently.

The 2nd Shamanic Session

In the next treatment, he shared that he had a good and calm week, managed to express himself clearly and others understood him. Emotionally – it is easier for him, and also his abdomen feels lighter. The skin in the hands looks much better: less cracks and dryness, and no itching all week, which is a really good change! The pain between the toes in his feet was gone, and he didn’t even think about it until I asked. The back pain is still bothersome.

We began the second treatment, but this time, there were no laughter or tears, and he felt more at ease. I focused on the spine to release past memories that he’d stowed away in the ‘storehouse’ of his Heart and hadn’t dared to confront. The painful vertebrae (6T, 5T) between the shoulder blades hint at unresolved heart-related issues from the past.

Back pain often reflects ignored or forgotten experiences causing deep pain, demanding our attention despite our attempts to disregard them.

I continued to clean and relief pain and trauma from childhood, allowing wounds to close and skin to heal… I also did an ‘energetic wash’ to the subtle bodies, and by the end he felt a tremendous peace of mind, as if cradled in love over clouds, in God’s arms.

The 3rd Shamanic Session

In the third treatment, after the great cleansing of the sadness from his childhood years, the anger began to emerge… big anger with a sense of violence. He expressed himself this week with shouts and punches on the table. He also cried a lot, let the emotions flow out of him…

The pain that bothered him in the back disappeared completely. He also had a week full of laughter and fun… The range of emotions is starting to awaken inside him.

In this session he realized that, in fact, he never gave place to his anger. He did not have the opportunity to express his anger about his painful childhood and the tough relations with his father, nor did he know HOW to express this anger…

We worked on his root chakra, including the tailbone and the pelvis, to release over-charge through the legs and feet, and free the rage and anger accumulated in him. Working on the repressed anger created sensations of heat in the pelvis and a sense of “burning fire” in the solar plexus. I kept working until the symptoms disappeared.

At the end of the treatment, he felt lighter and free, no longer afraid that the anger would take over and lead him to violent reactions. We released the ‘steam’ that was closed like in a pressure cooker. Now he can feel joy without feeling guilt or shame.

The 4th Shamanic Session

In the fourth treatment, he shared that he experienced the whole range of emotions during the week, and expressed them on the spot, without blocking or keeping them inside. He no longer felt emotional frustration, as he was expressing what he needed in the moment.

The skin in the hands got completely healthy, he no longer suffers from itching or cracks, and the dry skin on the upper legs is gone. No more back pain, and the feet feel free and fresh. Sleep well at night, and wake up with vital energy in the morning.

In this session, we focused on enhancing self-worth and opening up to receiving. It involved allowing oneself to accept love, hugs, compliments, and gifts without pushing them away. He struggles to accept compliments or gifts as it feels fake and believes he doesn’t deserve them.

Most of the work centered on the Heart and Superior Heart chakras. I aimed to clear deceptive beliefs of unworthiness, reopen the acceptance channel, and reconnect masculine energy to the flow of abundance.

At the end, he felt great comfort in his body, warmth in his heart, and greater confidence in his masculinity and Self. He felt he could continue the path with his wife and children, thanks to a deeper acquaintance with his feelings. “External events” no longer threaten his feelings, and he can express them without fear. He feels much more strengthened to continue his path, and with greater clarity about his inner Self.

Continue to the next case study…


Presenting the first case study among three, highlighting the profound transformative benefits of shamanic healing. Each case study offers detailed information for your learning, maintaining strict confidentiality to respect the clients’ privacy.

Enjoy reading!

Information and details about the case study
  • A series of 4 sessions
  • A woman, age 57, mother of two grown children, in a second relationship for several years.
  • Came to shamanic sessions because of great sadness, frustration and anger. Feeling out of her place and not aligned with her soul. There is a feeling of blockage in the solar plexus.
Extended Info

It’s a new beginning in her life; she moved in with her partner, now sharing one house after years of living separately in their own places. This change is significant for both of them.

Her partner had been eager to move in together, desiring to share life together fully. After deliberating on whether to take this step, she ultimately decided to say yes, giving the relationship a chance to flourish and deepen.

After moving in together, she noticed changes in their relationship, contrary to her expectations. Living together regularly for the first time made things appear differently in this new reality. Shifting from feeling independent and making her own choices to deciding together – affected her. Sometimes she felt like a little girl beside him, as he was trying to approve her daily choices. It took the air off her wings, and she lost her sense of femininity.

Moreover, she sensed a lack of synchronization in their daily routines: he insists on following a set timetable, while she enjoys the freedom to act as she wishes. Leaving her previous job due to the relationship, she’s now seeking a new one. This circumstance has dimmed her sense of self and independence, leading to a decline in her confidence as a woman.

At this stage, she is angry at herself for making this step and losing her job and the closeness to her friends and family. She feels trapped in this situation: already closed the previous chapter, but the new one doesn’t seem very promising… Experiencing insomnia, fatigue, and disturbing thoughts at night. There’s a lack of desire to create, a feeling of being trapped in an unwanted reality, with no apparent way out.

The Shamanic Healing Sessions

During the sessions, she observed certain parallel traits between her partner and her father: attempting to control her life, struggling to accept some of her choices, showing a lack of flexibility, and being judgmental. She feels that he isn’t truly listening to her and doesn’t understand her genuine needs.

The 1st Shamanic Session

During the first shamanic session, I focused on cleansing and fortifying her root chakra. This process involved releasing past attachments, allowing her the opportunity to establish a stronger foundation for herself.

In addition to addressing emotional and mental clarity, we specifically focused on clearing her heart from the residual emotional weight carried from various relationships. This process aimed to help her embrace her choices with inner peace and acceptance.

During the treatment, she felt pain on the right side of the body: right arm and right pelvis, and also pain on both sides of the neck. The right side represents the relationship with the masculine energy. At the end of the treatment, the pain was released and she felt more relaxed and at ease. It seems that the conflict with the masculine energy in her life is beginning to dissolve slowly.

The 2nd Shamanic Session

In the second shamanic treatment, I continued focusing on her emotional balance. I facilitated the release of accumulated negative emotions while fostering supportive ones. We worked on enhancing her inner vision to discern the bigger picture, including inherited family patterns.

Additionally, I stimulated streams of responsibility, independence, and creativity. By the end of the treatment, she experienced a sense of calmness, her breathing eased, the weight in her chest lifted, emotional tears streamed from her left eye, and the pain and tension in her neck disappeared.

The 3rd Shamanic Session

In the third treatment, she arrived with newfound clarity about her relationship with her partner, feeling notably lighter. However, she still sensed a misalignment with her path. She struggles with breathing, finding it hard to inhale and occasionally to exhale. She often sheds tears out of frustration, feeling unheard and unacknowledged in expressing her emotions.

I highlighted the emotional dynamics within their relationship and suggested creating a safe space for their feelings. I proposed they will create a welcoming space for their feelings, without giving each other comments and advice.

During this therapy session, I focused on expanding her Heart chakra and fostering acceptance. I bridged the gap between intellect and emotions, creating an harmonious collaboration between reason, logic and feelings. I also worked on reinforcing her sense of center, trust, patience, and clarity.

Throughout the treatment, she experienced frequent coughing, so I encouraged her to release those emotions. By the end of the session, she felt a sense of calm, her breathing became more effortless, her thoughts clearer. She expressed gratitude and deep emotion.

The 4th Shamanic Session

In the fourth session, she said she feels much better. Her relationship with her partner improved, they have better communication, honest conversations, and they feel in love again…

The pressure in her chest is gone, her breathing is lighter, and she feels much calmer… She sees things in a different perspective, and finds new ways of doing and creating. Feels she is starting to find her place in her new home, and things are flowing in harmony.

In this session, I focused on guiding her to connect with the divine love and recognize the immense potential within her. We delved into the flow of abundance, clearing family patterns from the heart Chakra. Simultaneously, I aimed to enhance emotional maturity, fostering a deeper intimacy with herself and her partner. These steps allowed her to develop a profound connection with her inner self and strengthened the bond with her significant other.

At the end of the treatment series, she felt her heart had reopened to love. She embraced her new path, feeling more aligned with her soul. The great obstacles that had previously blocked her path, seemed now like little stones she could run on without fear. She looked radiant and smiling, and with a great sense of relief.

Continue to the next case study…